Major Deependra Singh Sengar
Major Indian Army | Guest Speaker | Top Management Professional Microsoft
A retired major from the Indian Army, a motivational speaker and a top management professional at Microsoft.
Major Indian Army | Guest Speaker | Top Management Professional Microsoft
A retired major from the Indian Army, a motivational speaker and a top management professional at Microsoft.
FlexiSTRONG Talks | Full Episodes
Episode 1 | Major Deependra Singh Sengar
Posted Feb 13, 2021
Why you should listen?
When the body fails, the spirit leads. Where science fails, the mind triumphs. Listen to the victory of the human spirit over mortal injuries, determination defying the sentence of disability.
Listen and learn from the living legend! Our first guest speaker – a real-life hero, Major Deependra Singh Sengar. A warrior who has fought and won battles in all fields of life, whether Kargil or working for Microsoft.
Listen to his incredible journey of determination, perseverance, discipline and more only on FlexiSTRONG Talks, a Shyam Steel initiative.